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We have facilities for mares whose owners have chosen to submit them for racing duties. This comprehensive approach guarantees that each mare is given personalized attention and care, resulting in optimal health and performance in their racing careers. This commitment to excellence and the well-being of the horses truly sets Ausman Horses apart in the needs have been arranged to enable attention to be focused on each individual mare. They also offer other related services such as the selling of weanlings, yearlings, weaning, and straight board. They entertain visitors of all ages at the farm so they can view and enjoy the horses and are always available to advise and help..
We have .
1. Introduction to Equids
The evolution of the horse provides a good example of the subtle and complex interrelatedness of climate change and the rise of grasslands, mammals, and flowering plants since the early Cenozoic, 65 million years before present. Horses represent a successful adaptive radiation of the basic herbivorous eutherian mammal form, demonstrating a common theme in large mammal evolution, which is the remarkable diversity of body plans and life history strategies that have emerged during the recent 60 to 50 million years of Earth history. Along with their capacity to tolerate high-fiber diets, horses have evolved the ability to live in both mild and cold climates, have migrated across all available continents, can outrun virtually all predators, and have achieved a worldwide distribution. Originally exhibiting a spreading center of origin across North America, horses were among the first mammals to migrate across the Bering land bridge from Asia to Alaska and to colonize the European continent via western Asia.
They even reached South America during the late middle or latest part of the last interglaciation. Horses are, therefore, associated with both Pleistocene and modern biomes of grassland, temperate and boreal forest, tundra, and arid shrub. They are not associated with deserts or rainforests, although at various times during their North American history, horses would have had to move through these regions in order to reach their ultimate habitat. The intensive evolutionary history of horses has led to sophisticated digestive and locomotive specializations and bears witness to their general suitability for survival in the specialized grassland or savannah habitats that appeared with the origin of these mammals. Such conditions have close correspondence to those found in modern equine animals, which include horses and other members of the family group Equidae. For purposes of historical and comparative analysis, the term Equidae describes the wider group of animals that also includes the close relatives of equine animals.
2. Prehistoric Ancestors of Horses
2.1. Eohippus (Hyracotherium)
2.2. Mesohippus
3. Evolutionary Developments in Horses
3.1. Increase in Size and Adaptations
3.2. Change in Diet and Teeth Structure
4. Domestication and Human-Horse Relationship
5. Modern Breeds and Uses of Horses
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